Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Christmas Concert to Remember

Papa, Logan, and Mema Before the Big Show

Miss Kate, Mommy, Leah, Logan, and Daddy

Miss Kate and Leah - The Best Duo in Town

Today was a special day in the Knight Family Adventures! It was the girls first ever Christmas Concert! And was it ever special!!!
Leah and Logan have been practicing their songs, stories and motions for weeks now at Primetime Preschool and boy-oh-boy did it ever show! It was a fabulous production of 3 and 4 year olds showing their Holiday spirit! And what spirit Leah and Logan showed! They used their voices to share their joy, they shook their jungle bells to welcome Santa and his sleigh, and they gestured and motioned each of the songs to keep us all right on-top of the show!!!!
Logan was thrilled to see Mema, Papa, Mommy and Daddy in the audience. She waved and shouted a few "Hi Mommy's" in between the festive songs! And Leah did an outstanding job signing her heart out in front of a crowd of 50 or more adoring adults!

After the show, the girls received another treat of lunch out with Mema and Papa! Who can top off a fun concert full of praise and applause other than Mema and Papa?!?!? As the four of them drove off to lunch, Mommy and Daddy drove home. And what else does Mommy do...Cries tears of pride! Tears of joy! Tears of...they are such beautiful souls and I'm blessed to raise them! Thank you God!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Little Diva

Many of you don't know, but we are raising a little diva. Yes, that's right. Logan has decided to become a singing, princess diva! We've been blessed with a 3 year old little LADY who wears her Daddy's iPod around the house singing pop tunes! Check her out and listen to her...can you name that tune?

Yep...Mercy by Duffy!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Can You Say Communication

Tomorrow morning Josh and I are heading to yet another meeting with Leah's school district. We will be learning how to more effectively communicate with our team of teachers and therapists as well as the administrators that we work with. They have invited a nationally known and well-respected mediator (we respect this individual as well) to facilitate this oh-so-necessary instruction. Because as you probably all know, a University instructor, special education provider herself and someone who considers herself 'well-educated' doesn't know how to effectively communicate. Funny, but the University will be employing me this spring to teach a graduate level course titled Consultation and Collaboration! But really, I have no idea how to communicate with others! (Does something seem wrong here to you too????)

This is what I'd really like to communicate to the district tomorrow:
  • You are not providing what my daughter needs in terms of goals and objectives
  • You are not providing what my daughter needs in terms of activities throughout her day
  • You are not providing what my daughter needs in terms of behavior intervention (this intervention is proven effective with Leah based on documentation and ... just look at her from the start of the intervention until now...come on!)
  • You are not providing my daughter approptiate behavior intervention because of lack of training of staff and refusal to do so
  • You are not providing my daughter appropriate behavior intervention because of ignorance regarding the methodology and have adopted 2 other behavior interventions that are not nearly as effective (as proven in research) and not appropriate for Leah (as demonstrated in TWO separate psychological evaluation reports)
  • You haven't progressed her skill set in the cognitive or occupational therapy domains
  • You are restricting her social, behavioral and cognitive development by not recognizing her Least Restrictive Environment with non disabled peers for 2- 1/2 days with her twin
  • You are limiting my daughters educational programming because we are pioneer advocates within this county and we are making you challenge the status quo...something that your mission statement says that you will do...but you refuse
  • You are limiting my daughters possibility to become an independent individual in the WILL NOT succeed

But I will not...I will sit there and learn 'how to communicate effectively', because I clearly am ignorant in this subject. I will allow my two renowned advocates talk for me as I sit and shoot daggers through their cold hearts and blank eyes. I will take notes of EVERY word that EACH of them say to nail their a$$es to the wall if and when it's necessary.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

November Update

It's been a busy month with the Knight's Adventures! Oh my! And I'm sure it will become even more hectic as Christmas nears!

November started off rather calmly with just a few things to do, here and there. Busy with work for both Josh and I and the girls had school on a regular basis. We took the girls to Jumpin' Jax to break the motonany of that cycle and that always proves to be a fun trip! If you don't know what Jumpin' Jax is and you have've got to get in the loop! It's a huge arena of inflatables where the kids can jump, slide, bounce, do mazes, and spend energy like there's no tomorrow! And guess what, parents are encouraged to do these activites with their kiddos! (UGH!) But Leah and Logan both love the place and it's a great time for us all!

We then took a trip to Indy to see my college roommate and to attend her sister's baby shower! It was great to see everyone and we stayed at a great hotel with a huge HEATED pool! Once again, a hit for the girls! Leah was so in love with swimming that she cried buckets when she had to get out and say 'adios' to the pool! :(

We then returned home to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family! It was a great day! Full of fun, family and for first ever Tofurkey! Yes, you can all eww, ick or spew...whatever...I actually had food to eat on Thanksgiving and it was awesome! So there...let it be known carnivores...vegetarians can enjoy Thanksgiving too!!! :) We also celebrated Kenny's (our nephew) 5th birthday with a Batman themed birthday! Happy Birthday, Batman!!!!

And yesterday we prepared the house for Santa! 7 hours of decorating the house for Christmas with toddlers under foot and 'helping'! Uh-huh! Nevertheless, the Knight home is fully prepped for Santa! And boy-oh-boy, do we have two anxious little girls with high-hopes and dreams for Santa to come soon!

We're looking forward to an exciting December! Check in often...I'm in a blogging mood!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Back to School...A Lesson

Class...I'm going to teach you all some very important words today.



-Status Quo







Good, can you all say these important words with me now? ***repeat*** Excellent! Let's review what they all mean:

Equality - The idea of equal treatment

Fairness - The absence of bias

Status Quo - The existing state of affairs

Ignorance - Lacking knowledge

Disrespect - Lack of acknowledgement of value

Restrictive - Enforcement of segregation

Independence - Not requiring outside aid or support

Follower - Person who completes actions suggested by the leader(s)

Advocacy - Pursuit of influencing outcomes that directly affect people's lives

Excellent job of listing the vocabulary of today's lesson. Now, let's talk about today's lesson. It's a challenge for all of you to see if you can pick out all of today's vocabulary words!!!

Today's lesson is all about equality and fairness for all individuals, particularly those that cannot voice for themselves what they need. Today's lesson is about asking the individuals who work with the above mentioned individuals to challenge the status that needs to be challenged as it is a necessity in the state of the world today (and is in the mission/vision statement). Today's lesson is to not accept ignorance on the part of the individuals who administer programs for individuals who cannot voice for themselves and to not accept ignorance from any of the individuals who provide services to individuals who cannot voice for themselves. Today's lesson is about using scientifically based instructional and inclusionary practices (and the practices that have been proven *proof of growth* profoundly effective for the individual whom I am writing this) for those with specific needs. Today's lesson is to teach that it is ignorant and disrespectful to not look at all aspects of a situation in relation to the needs of an individual who cannot voice for themselves. Today's lesson is to teach that restriction is a form of ignorance and disrespect as well as being illegal. And finally, today's lesson is about being a follower. Being a follower means that you have been taught to listen and respect authority. Nicely done. But, being a follower in a situation regarding the needs of an individual without a voice is doing nothing beneficial for that individual. In fact it's detrimental. 'Following' is paving the way for complacency, perpetual ignorance, and guilt. One thing that will remedy 'following' is advocacy for the individual with needs. Advocate for needs! Advocate for independence! Advocate for respect! Advocate for FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY!

This ends our lesson today! If you didn't understand our lesson, look at the picture below and know that I am an advocate for this little girl and her educational needs. But also know that there are others in her life that refuse to advocate for fairness and equality for her needs!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Knight Family Is Famous...Somewhat

Somewhat famous...

Last Sunday, we took the girls and Mema to the MSU Global Fest...celebrating diversity and culture! And what do you know, we were interviewed for a college internet news story! That's right...we're famous!

Check us out!!! You can send cash or credit PLEASE! :)
(if not playing, click on MSU Global Fest and press play arrow)

Monday, November 17, 2008

On Another Note...

It's been a long time again. You can't imagine the whirlwind of events in our lives. Coming, going, playing, playing, playing!!! Sorry for the lack of updates!

The Knight's are doing fine! The girls are growing tall and loving life! Logan is quickly becoming quite the 'class clown' and Leah is becoming quite the verbal little girl! (Thanks to all of the intensive therapy from Miss Kate!!!)

I'm blogging a short little snippet today as there's something that's been bothering me for some time and it came to heads today! As you all know...there is a politically correct way to state everything...from the way you address strangers, to the way you order your food! But also the way you address my daughter! I can't tell you how many people address Leah as "the Autistic Child" or the "Autistic Girl". Sorry folks, this is Leah, she's a child with Autism. You see it's "people first" language. It makes a big difference in a mother's eyes. Autism doesn't define Leah...Leah defines Leah...Autism is just part of her life.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Flitter, Flutter, Butterfly

We had two of the most beautiful butterflies in all of the land...naturally! Halloween 2008 was a success from beginning to end!!!

It all started for the Knight Family with the Pontius Family Oktoberfest last weekend! It was a big family dinner followed by a pre-Trick-or-Treating event! The girls and their cousins got dressed and went from family member to family member indoors to get a treat, card or something special...all while fluttering as butterflies!!!! That was a great day as we got to be with four generations of family!!!!

Halloween continued for the Knight family at Prime Time Preschool with a Halloween Party! What an event! The butterflies flitted into school with wings a-flapping and antennas a-bouncing! They all sang mommies and daddies songs, made us "witch's brew" and showed us all around their school and introduced us to many of their new friends! They were all so proud!!!! Leah and Logan showed us all of the hand motions of each of the songs and sang along with each of the spooky-ookey melodies!!!

Finally Halloween wrapped up as the butterflies dressed for a third and final evening out on October 31st!!!! What beautiful weather we had for our first ever door-to-door trick-or-treating experiences! We had Mema, Papa, Great Grandma and Grandpa over to pass out treats at our door while some of our best friends from the Mason area came over with their boys for the festivities and the candy haul!!! We were thrilled with the girls' response to going door-to-door...especially Leah! Shy...timid...scared...HRUMPH!!!! Not our girls! When the mighty Tootsie Pop or M & M lies at the end of that driveway or near that porch out! There's no stopping Leah or Logan! MOVE OUT!

Nevertheless, you can tell that Halloween 2008 was not only a success in our eyes and hearts but also in Leah and Logan's! So for Halloween 2008, that's all. In Leah's words, "Bye Bye Pumpkin, See You Later!"

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sarama Princess

Last weekend we experienced true Michigan fall weather...cooler, cloudier, and a bit damp! But that didn't prevent the Knight family from taking an adventure to see their one and only Sarama transform into a beautiful PRINCESS!

As you all know, Leah and Logan, turn in to princesses the minute the step in the door at our house. Shoes off in the cubby, pants are whipped down, shirts are winged across the room all to make the body prepared for the coveted PRINCESS DRESS! Well, we donned some warm and fancy princess dresses last weekend on one of those dreary fall days to go see the real-life version of a princess...our very own Sarama (their cousin Cassondra). It was homecoming and it was her first one!
Sarama must have been the belle of the ball! She was simply gorgeous! She opened the door of the truck to greet the girls in the driveway while already dressed for the dance and the girls didn't recognize her at first. Then Logan said, "Princess!!!!" Shoes...$40...Dress...$150...Nails...$30...Little Girl Comment...PRICELESS!

We feel blessed to have this 'princess' in our lives and for our daughters to have such a special someone in their lives too! We love our Princess Sarama!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's Over

Well, the official battle with the school is over. We sat in our second mediation session for a little over 5 hours today and we signed off on a letter of agreement. Do we think it's great? No. Will it be perfect? No. Will Leah benefit from it? With the combination of what we are having to provide because they will not, Yes!

We "gave up" a lot today. One thing was that Leah will not have is the one-on-one support for ABA like we believe she needs in this classroom. They will be providing a transition period with this support for 2-3 weeks only. Then let Leah 'go'. As for Riley, he will be able to go to school with Leah, but will be assessed on a biweekly basis for the first month to see if he actually helps Leah. If not, out he goes too. Then for private preschool, they didn't believe that Leah needed that. So, we'll be providing that to our daughter, with the ABA support, which we know that she benefits from and needs. Nevertheless, we will not be going to a hearing and Leah will be starting 'school' once again. I am happy about that! I am simply hopeful and full of prayer that by 'settling' that I didn't compromise Leah's education. To feel that you put your child in possible jeopardy is a horrible feeling. I simply wish others wanted the same for our daughter as we did!

I will thank all of you who supported us through this time. It's been a rough few months: hours upon hours researching, sitting at the computer, phone calls, emails and fighting for Leah's future. All to come out with this! Not much! Now we just need more prayers that she'll make gains upon gains with the support she's given!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ducks, Squirrels, and Slime...Oh My!

It's been a busy, busy start to fall in our house, I tell ya! Shoo-Wee! People ask, "Have you updated the Blog lately?" I regularly answer, "Probably tomorrow!" Sorry to those people who got that answer! Well, more than two weeks later, here we are with a post!!!

Like I said, life has been go-go-go! The girls are IN LOVE with preschool! Logan states that the best part of preschool is singing...they sing a song each day in large group and Leah doesn't verbalize what she likes best but she sure does enjoy the routine of going, singing, reading, playing, eating, playing, playing and playing some more! A great story: Leah was asked to be in a "play" where she was a violet. She stood on a stage, shrunk down to her knees, the teacher tapped her shoulder and she stood up and "bloomed"!!! Now that's progress! She did that in front of all of her peers and teachers! Imagine that...a child with autism in a play! Yeah!!!! Logan has a very special friend, in addition to Leah. So the three of them are off in a trio each and every day. So it's like the three musketeers at Prime Time Preschool...ahem...the Four, Riley's there!!!

This past weekend, we savored the last of the warm weather and went to MSU to feed the ducks in the Red Cedar River and have a donut picnic...that's what Leah is eating in the pic below. The girls threw an entire loaf of white bread at the ducks! Talk about bloat! We only witnessed 2 to 3 minor scuffles fighting over the pieces of dough! Logan was able to calm the fowl!!!

After the gluten fest, we went for a long walk through campus and went on a squirrel run..."Squirrel, oh squirrel!!!" Oh my, did we find the squirrels...and what did the girls do??? Nothing else them of course! Some were fast...some were faster...not even a near catch! But the adventure was a good one! We found acorns...we rolled acorns...we stomped on acorns...we peeled acorns...we fed the acorns to the the drain. (Again, there were no froggies...just a drain!) Do you see the fun we have...all good old fashioned fun!!!

And then you see in the title of this Blog Post..."Slime"...and you're wondering...Hmmm, what's that for? Did the girls fall into the water? Did they make slime on a cold fall evening? Did Kristin try to cook again? No, no, no!!! We are continuing to deal with Clinton County for special education services for Leah! We are dealing with slimy administrators! For those of you who are following our plight for services that are "appropriate" for Leah (or care), we had a mediation session with the 'big wigs' of Clinton County Special Ed. They refuse to believe that Leah needs ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) support in the special education classroom - which we have proof that we know that works because we employ the use of it in our home and in the private preschool. They refuse to believe that Leah's Private Preschool placement with Logan and with her ABA paraeducator (aide) is an appropriate placement for her. They would like 30 minutes per day of free choice time in another preschool without support and without her twins model. Funny thing is, we had all of the recommendations and all of the documentation that THIS STUFF WORKS and LEAH IS THRIVING WITH ABA AND PRESCHOOL...the administrators didn't look at it or wouldn't believe it! Additionally, they are trying, we believe, to deny Riley's access to school with Leah. They'd better be ready for a fight. Because this is one mom that is way to passionate about her child to put up with this! Leah has made way too much progress to put up with their penny pinching and/or worry of "If the Knight Family got it for their daughter, then we want if for our child" attitude!!! So, not gonna fly with me!!! Okay, vent done...but now you know!!!

We hope you are keeping warm as this is one of those cool fall days! Enjoy the adventures of fall and family!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

And They Spread Their Wings

Yes, the little 'birds' spread their wings this past week and started preschool. Mama's nest is empty...not really...but the girls successfully flew into preschool and their fun-filled days!!!

It all started with a parent-day, where Josh and I went to school with the girls. So it was a rush of 20 3-year-olds and all of the parents of those tots, bustling around the preschool classrooms. It was certainly a busy place, but the girls thought it was the best thing ever! Are you kidding me, new coming out of their ears...and a motor room with a slide/climber...and a sensory room with a sand table and art...jeeze, why would they ever want to leave?!?!?!? Nevertheless, it was a great start to their school years.

A couple of days later it was time for the girls to go WITHOUT mom and dad...gulp! Well, Logan could hardly contain herself while sitting in the truck waiting for the teachers to come and get her from the car seat...legs kicking, squealing voice, "My school!!!" And Leah sat patiently for Miss Kate to come and take her out of her car seat and all was great! Out she went, walked with Miss Kate and Riley into school, and the day was underway WITHOUT mom and dad! Fortunately, as Logan walked up to the school door, she turned around and yelled, "Bye Mama" and gave the the ILY (I love You) sign in sign language! Ugh, my babies are big girls!

All reports are positive! Leah loved doing puzzles, Logan continued to love the pretend kitchen! And all the kids love Riley! Go figure!

Spreading their wings isn't so bad...a few big gulps from mom (no tears, I did good) and knowing that this is what life should be for our girls!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008


Tomorrow! Tomorrow!

That seems to be ringing in our ears all in and day out...these September days! Why you may ask? We have two girls in Love with Annie! Yes, the 1982 musical! It's an absolute stitch! We've got the Hard Knocks Life going on and Sandy, the Dumb Dog! But, most precious is TOMORROW, TOMORROW!!!

But speaking of tomorrow, we've got big news about the real tomorrow, Tuesday! It's the first day of Preschool!!! Yes, our baby girls, ahem, our big girls are going to preschool!!! Leah and Logan will be heading out 2 half days per week and Leah will be accompanied by the one-and-only, Riley!

The preschool that we are sending the girls to have been so wonderful in supporting us in the decision to send Leah...and Logan! They have been accommodating of Leah's additional needs and supporting us in the use of Riley and a paraeducator...Ms. Kate...or Ms. Stewart, I've got to figure that one out!

I've got a great story already...We had a parent meeting where we introduced Riley to all of the parents of the children in Leah and Logan's head off any concerns of allergies or fear of dogs in advance. None...thank goodness. Well a story came back to us via the lead teacher telling us that a little boy in her class was told that he was going to have a girl in his class named Leah and she had a service dog. Later that week, that little boy was explaining to his Grandpa that he is going to have a new friend at school, LEAH! Not the dog...just LEAH! See, Leah has already made a friend! That's why we are doing this! (You can cry now...I did!)'s a clip of TOMORROW, by the one, the proud, the beautiful, the nearly naked, Logan!!!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

No-Labor Labor Day

Yes, that's right...we've done nothing that would be included in the "work" category this weekend. We've taken full advantage of the Holiday weekend and the fact that we stayed home from the lake. Since the weather has been absolutely wonderful...and simply hot at times...we decided to do all of the 'vacation' things here at and around home.

It all started on Friday evening on a bit of a sad note when we had to say goodbye to our summer 'sister' Cassondra. Cassondra, or Sarama as the girls pronounced it, stayed with us for the majority of the summer helping with the girls, loving the girls and becoming part of our family. We really felt that we gained another daughter this summer. Nevertheless, we'll be having weekends with Sarama/daughter rather often in the weeks and months to come. But Friday evening before the sad goodbye was fun as we took the crew to Bravo! and out to Scoops for ice cream. A great summer celebration!

Saturday then started off with a question mark...what to do? Then daddy said, "Girls, do you want to go to popcorn?" That means the movie theatre. So daddy and mommy endured the summer blockbuster "Space Monkies"...did I say blockbuster? Ha, sorry, I meant summer bust! But it really doesn't matter what we thought as the girls really had quite a 'fab' time...and the popcorn was a hit as well! Saturday afternoon was a great one for naps...for all three ladies of the house...can I say YES???!!!! And the remainder of the day was outdoor play and bubbles!

Sunday...another labor-free day! Morning was filled with play-time and then off to the MSU Children's Gardens for fishy, froggies, and flowers! It was once again a hot day! But it is a-okay with all of us...but darn those allergies!

We're planning on Monday being a 'home-day'. BBQ for just our family and playing outside and maybe a bit of geocaching.

We feel so blessed to have these times together. Life has been such a rush-rush, go-go, worry-worry! I think with all of the talking with people and "discussions" I've had with myself and the Big Guy upstairs, I'm recognizing the need to take more and more time like weekends like these. Time to lay down with Logan at her nap and talk with her when she wakes up, sit with Leah and play in her bean bucket to simply pour beans on my floor and laugh about it :) or to actually pet Riley for more than 5 seconds! Life means a lot...a lot...and I get it!!! AMEN!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

A 6 Hour Meeting

Yes, that's right. Josh and I sat through the longest, most difficult meeting we've ever had to. We were at Leah's IEP. For non-special education folks, that's an Individualized Educational Planning meeting. It's to plan her educational program, set goals and objectives for her school year to come...all as a TEAM! HMMMM, a team! Funny concept as we thought that we would have a role in this team and a say in our daughter's educational program. Nope! We heard a lot of "We hear the parents desires and preferences but what does the team decide?" Excuse me, Josh and I are a big part of this our concerns for our daughter, our preferences for her education, therapy and experiences not count? Clearly not as the "team's" decision was not agreeable to us!

It all comes down to what was explained to us as providing Leah the "Cadillac versus the Buick". (Can you say Cha-Ching $$$$$$?????) The school is required to provide the basic of all basics...well that's what they are willing to do. But I'll be damned (excuse the language for our younger readers) if we take steps backward from all of the time that Leah has put in to her therapies in the past 2+ years. All because of their stupid requirement to provide bare bones "appropriate" education. Josh and I are also contending that they are limiting Leah by not allowing her to go to preschool with Logan for a LRE (least restrictive environment) experience. Thus, having her with normal developing peers as much as appropriate. Can you say "Twin" as a very appropriate peer to be at school with and that being at school with Logan is vital to her social and communicative development. Funny, but their staff gave their opinions based on other kids and other situations...not research...not Leah. Strange, but I had research to back up our position and I have 2+ years with Leah, day in and day out, and they wouldn't even hear us!!!!

So from here out, what to do??? Mediation? Due Process? Something...but which one???? We are not accepting that they wouldn't hear us as parents, the only people in the room that knew Leah. We do not accept the fact that they will not place Leah with Logan for Preschool. Give us a can you deem this as not appropriate for Leah's development!?!?!?!

So sorry if this post was incoherent but this day has been one filled with tears, frustration with others, grieving once again, but rejoicing when we arrived home to see the girls in their princess dresses!!!! That's what this is all about!!! Fighting to make more and more princess dresses and froggies!!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Friends

The Knight Family had visitors this weekend...The Thornburgs! Jen and David are friends from "Indy" and we had a great time. Jen was my roommate at State and we've tried to keep in touch and I say we've done a pretty good job of it!

The girls made great friends with Aunt Jen and Uncle Dave...or "Sweetie" as Logan called him! Both girls established fun little relationships and had a playful time. Jen and David also brought them other new friends...Build-A-Bear's!!!! Logan has named her Bear "Sandy"...I think she's named it from the dog from Annie!!! And Leah hasn't assigned a name to her pink and white fluff-ball!

I wanted to share this with all of you because it's a great stride for Leah! She's made a 'connection' with 'strangers' in a short period of time. No, she didn't bond with Jen and David and didn't hold a conversation with them. But Leah certainly didn't hide in a fetal position like she used to and she didn't scream in fear of people being in her space. She was her normal, happy-go-lucky Leah with people in her home and she was able to hug them for 'thank yous' and give kisses and hugs bye-bye with prompting! These are huge strides for a child with Autism! HUGE! We are making progress! Leah is becoming more social with therapy and with the help of family and friends! Amen!
PS - Down at the bottom I've posted a new video titled RESPECT. It's actually a PSA but it really makes one think! Just an FYI!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Good Ole Summer Time Fun

That's what we've been up to lately...enjoying some good ole summer time fun! The new picture at top is of the girls "Feeding the Froggies" that live in the storm sewer! No, there are no frogs...No, we've never even seen a real frog! But thanks to Papa, we're convinced that froggies live in that %$^%##%$ drain!!! Nevertheless, instead of throwing a continuous stream of bark, stones, flowers and grass down the drain to "feed the froggies", we've devised our very own "FROGGIE FOOD"...yes, available for purchase in your very own cereal aisle...rice crispies! We market it with a slogan of..."Feed the frogs while you feed your kids!"

We've also enjoyed fresh market foods this summer! Leah is in love with corn on the cob! She is simply adorable when she eats adorable...see for yourself! I recorded her last night while chomping on an ear. If you've got speakers and you hear some noise in the background...that would be Miss Logan! She was on fire! If you ever wonder why I can't seem to get a video of her...because she's so vain that she always wants to see herself on the screen and I can't tape her and let her watch herself at the same time...go figure. Hollywood must be calling!

Lastly, another summer time favorite has proven to be Popsicles! Yumm-O!