Monday, February 21, 2011

What's Been Happening, You Ask?

The Holiday's are over, January is behind us, even Valentine's Day has come and gone. Winter of 2011 is steadily moving along. In all honesty, it can't move fast enough for this wanna-be southerner! But, still here in Michigan, we have made it thus far this new year.


Let me tell you, 2010 had nuttin' on 2011! Shoo-weeee! Eleven has got us over the knee so far!

January really wasn't so bad! Just a bit of snow to make everything white and icy! Not to mention to make for dicey driving for this commuter. That 50 minute drive turned into something more like 75-80 minutes most mornings, and continues to be so.

February, on the other hand, has flown this family two tall 'birds'...for lack of a better phrase. I can't even put my finger on a date of when all this whole hoopla began, but it hasn't ended yet and it's now the 22nd. Let me try to outline this all for you:
  • Ella falls sick: sinus infection with croup-y cough - no day care/school
  • Logan falls sick: same crap, 4 days later - no day care/school
  • Day care provider falls sick: Strain of influenza - no day care for 5 days for all 4 kids!
  • Did I mention that I'm almost out of sick days to use at school...Dad takes kids to work...Coo-Coo!!!! (Adoption+Leah in hospital=1 day left!!!)
  • Mom falls sick and goes to ER on Sunday morning: Kidney stones...passed one, one to go (Morphine and Vicodin help, but cannot cover this pain!) - 1 day off for me...Dr's orders!
  • Leah falls sick: Ear infection - no day care or school
  • Mom has skin cancer removed - 12 external stitches with many more on sub-q layer
You can say that this is an exhaustive list...but it's not! I didn't put down the fact that each kid had their own turn at the Dr. My mom, Mema, was over for what must have seemed like a hundred+ hours watching the kids between her work and 'life' schedule. Josh and I both tried to work in between this mess! We are just hoping that this month will soon end and March will NOT COME IN LIKE A LION...but rather stroll in like a tame little putty-tat! We could use a break, I think. Or is this what we signed on for?

Monday, February 7, 2011