Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Another Dose of Reality

Each day I am reminded of Ella and Isaac's life in Ethiopia in some way, big or small. More often than not, it's in just a small way: a look of confusion, a lack of an English word at the time of need, a cry of frustration, or a wonderful demonstration of pretend play! But there is always something.

Well, the other day I was reminded in yet another BIG, another eye-opening way. One that made me gulp and tear up several times...

I was at work teaching and all of a sudden I was struck with a horrible stomach ache. It was one of those aches where you just want to ball up and not be social or maternal! I toughed it out and made it home to the couch. I was at least home. Ahhh! In the comfort of my husband and kids! Logan was busy with her pretend play, Leah was happy playing the computer, Isaac was eating (big surprise!!!), but Ella was staring daggers at me. Daggers of fear! Her big beautiful brown eyes looked at me, then looked away...her eyes darted away from mine. I didn't give it much thought until I naturally began reassuring her, "Mama's okay...her tummy is ouchie. She'll be okay."


Ella was remembering losing a biological relative due to extreme illness. I believe she was fearful of repeating this history.

Well, my tummy ache wasn't worth her heart ache so up I got and held her to comfort her and assure her that mommy was and will be okay. My heart ached for hers. My tears welled for her painful memories. I lost all thought of the here and now! I went into "Ella-memory-mode".

This is just another example of something that could never have been predicted...but I dealt with fairly well (if I do say so myself!!!). Ella slept fine that night and woke with a happy and refreshed spirit! That's what this is all about!

...and my tummy ache only lasted another 2 days! Better now :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Leah is home. What a relief for her and us!

I will have to admit that there was a point on Tuesday evening, late, when she spiked another high fever (103.6) when both Josh and I were thinking we were in the middle of a nightmare worse than a virus. We met with the doctors, the charge nurse and really asked the big question. Is this really only a virus, could it be ANYTHING worse? Why is she so miserable? Why is she spiking so often? Why is she so lethargic? Why? WHY?

Answer: A huge virus, maybe EBV (mono) - we don't know YET - that has just taken over her little body and there is nothing that anyone can do other than support her with fluids and Tylenol. It is not anything but this, they believe, based on the blood work and the cultures.

Us: Okay, breathe and regroup. Keep the energy up so we can just make it through.

Sunday/Today: Leah is home, eating minimally and drinking well. She has a very low-grade temp (99.0) but still is sleeping a great deal. She will have an appointment with her regular pediatrician Monday. Logan also has a low-grade temp but has mouth sores so she is drinking only water and eating some foods. She is lethargic and lazy too! Both girls have had their fill of movies and their Leapster!

Ella and Isaac have maintained their health, thus far. Amen! I can only hope and pray that they will continue to stay healthy. This was way too scary and traumatic for the girls. Traumatic for Leah, being in the hospital. But traumatic for Logan being away from her twin for so long! They have been like glue since Leah came home late Thursday evening. It's been very sweet!!!

We all missed some very exciting Holiday activities due to these illnesses. So, it's not been a great start to our season. We hope it will end soon so we can all enjoy Ella and Isaac's first Christmas home!!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What Now?

There is always something new happening with our family. If it's not the acquisition of a new family member (haha!) or if we are holding a Princess Party for all of the local 5-year-old's in the local royal area...I mean, how could we NOT stay busy with such a family!?

Well, this week is no different. Just in a very unacceptable and worrisome manner. What now?

Leah came down with a sore throat and high temp this past weekend Saturday. The temp wouldn't go under 100 degrees even with Tylenol. And she couldn't stomach the Tylenol/Ibuprofen trade-on/off. She wouldn't eat, drank minimally...but we tried to push the fluids as much as possible. But with a kiddo that cries because her "mouth hurts" there is only so much a parent can do.

By Sunday night, the fever was still high and she was dry-heaving. Still no food down her.

Monday arrived to a still-high temp and heaving upon sips of juice. Now she wouldn't allow us to give her the Tylenol because she had 'heaved' the talent right up and out her nose. You know the phrase... once bitten, twice shy. I called the pediatrician to get a 3:00 PM appointment for both Leah and Logan...Logan is about 24 hours behind Leah in this nightmare.

Pediatrician's Office Result: She must go the the hospital right away. Her heart rate is 168, she is severely dehydrated and she has lost 3 pounds. There is no way oral re-hydration will help at this point. Logan is going to have mouth pain in 2-3 days. Push fluids.

Arrive at Sparrow Hospital 12-6 Result: Lavish with toys and goodies, private room, poke with IV, bolus with fluids, penicillin for possible strep, low blood sugar, imbalanced electrolytes and high infection ratio (9...just tells us that she has a source of uck!), fever is out of control, and heart rate is high.

Present day 12-7 @ 7:15 PM Result: IV fluids were stopped to see if she would begin to drink on her own...hasn't. Ate a bag of Lay's chips (Josh's kid!). Strep tests came back negative. Blood sugar is back to normal. Fever is spiking when meds wear off. Heart rate will not go down below 120. Testing for mono but this is a 24-48 hour test. Electrolytes are in check. We have watched the DVD's since 4:55 this morning, with only a few small breaks.

I will update as I know more and have some time when she is resting.

Leah looks sick and feels sick. She needs us. She needs all of our prayers. Last night I was praying over her and she looked at me and said, "Mommy, pray." *tear*