Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Bulleted List of our Week

You can hardly imagine what's been going on in our week. So instead of narrating our life today, I'm simply going to bullet them and you can extrapolate what each of them has added (or compunded) to our lives!!!!!
  • We got a new puppy!!!! His given name was "TIM"...OMG! But I couldn't take it...he's now better known as "Murphy"!
  • Logan was put on antibiotics for a sinus infection
  • Josh was put on antibiotics for a sinus infection
  • Leah has the sniffles and sneezes fever, but her antibiotic is waiting at the pharmacy
  • Kristin had a another week from hell at her horrific and misreable job...can you say, WTF? Yes, I've applied for 2 jobs this week too!
  • Leah has been referred to a Geneticist for an increasing number of cafe' au lait spots on her body
  • Preschool was cancelled on Friday due to the Swine Flu throughout DeWitt Public Schools
  • My Grandma Kohls was hospitalized with sudden blindness and is having a temporal biopsy today (prayers please)

I think that's enough, don't you! My goodness...and I wonder why I have difficulty sleeping or concentrating some times!!!! I know, breathe in and breathe out...meditate...pray! God gave me so many good things in this life, I just need to focus on those and reflect MORE on those! I think I tried to do that once upon a time in this blog...didn't last long! The overwhelming seems to invade my positive thinking! The power of positive thinking and prayer........

Sunday, October 18, 2009

An Uneventful Update

So many people have asked me, "What's up with the adoption?" "Where are you in the process?" I can give you an update but it really doesn't have much info in it!

The last time we updated we told you that we were 16th on the list for a singleton girl and 8th on the list for twins, either girl-girl or girl-boy. Wellllllll, we don't have any new info on this....soooooo, we could very well still be 16th and 8th or we could be bumped up! Who knows!

The frustrating thing with this lack of information is that we have asked over and over for information from our agency and we have been given blanket statements about our case. We don't need OR DESERVE blanket statements from the agency who we have worked with for so many months and also have completed a successful adoption of two beautiful girls!!!! You ask, what is a blanket statement? "Your case is being monitored and we are reviewing your documents." We've got an answer similar to this several times!!!!!!

The other component of our update is that we have requested our agency look into if there is a child who is deaf or hard of hearing that meets our home study eligibility criteria. This means is there a little girl, age 0-18 months, who has a hearing loss, or is there a child in that age range that is one in a twin set. So, we are open to a special needs adoption as this is my area of expertise and I really feel that my heart and mind is ready and prepared for parenting another child with special needs. I believe that God has put me here to do this...this is my purpose. BUT, our agency can't seem to answer the question if this is a possibility or not and if there is a child available currently or if we wait! SO FRUSTRATING!!!! I just need some answers about OUR's OUR information!!!

Once we get any information, we will share it with you...but for now, this is our update!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

At the Dentist

We all knew growing up in my family, with a mother as a dental hygienist, that dental health was a priority. Give me a break...we didn't know what a sugared cereal was and having gum with xyletol in it was the only kind made, right? Literally, I would beg to spend the night at friends' houses that had Fruit Loops and Lucky Charms in their pantry! That's how much our family valued dental health!

I can't say that we don't have the coveted Fruit Loop every now and then, but I will say that we do go to the dentist every 6 months...and this includes the little ladies!!! Yepper, the girls have been to the dentist right along for several visits. It's getting better with each was rough to begin with! I mean we couldn't even walk back to the "BIG CHAIR" room without tears and so-on!

But come on, we've got BIG GIRLS now! Logan even asked to go back to the room and get started!!! That's putting dental health in the highest priority!!! :) We can't quite sit in the BIG chair, nor do we use the "polisher", but we do county our teeth, scrape the cavity boogies and paint our teeth! We'll eventually get to the full appointment...but it's all a start to making Grandma proud and having true Dental Health!