Monday, November 22, 2010

Fall 2010

It's been a busy fall of 2010...
  • Attachment and bonding 101 and 201;
  • Behavior management for 5 year old twins, also known as "new big sister" syndrome;
  • Laundry;
  • A new full-time special education teaching job with a 45 minute commute - one way;
  • Isaac turned 1 year old;
  • A wonderful get-together with our Michigan-based travel companions who went to Ethiopia together (what a great group of families!!!);
  • Cleaning and picking up the house;
  • Dentist appointments for all four...although one chickened out due to over-tiredness from a long week;
  • Ella turned 4 years old (yep, the Dentist confirmed that Ella IS 4 ...not 3 like the bone age test showed...just that darn malnutrition that makes her look smaller and younger :( );
  • Laundry;
  • Halloween: 1 Dora Snow Princess, 1 Dora Black Cat, 1 Pink Lite-Brite Princess and 1 Spider;
  • Cleaning and picking up the house;
  • Weekly practices for the church children's choir for 5 year old twins;
  • ABA therapy and speech therapy for one twin;
  • Laundry and cleaning!
We are now moving into the Holiday season. Energy is high and crazy...already! We have a little Elf that sits on a foyer table throughout our days and "watches" the girls. If they have good behavior, the elf uses his magical powers to talk with Santa and Santa will have the Elf hide special, small gifts throughout the house along with hiding the Elf each night. It's quite the little technique thus far! Gotta love Hallmark and us Germans for coming up with these little traditions!!!! The Elf has allowed us to postpone us putting up the Christmas tree, so that's good since we haven't hit Thanksgiving Day yet!

Here are some long awaited pictures from Fall 2010!!!

Ella Plays Just Like Real-Life in Ethiopia

Logan's Dress Up - Hot, Huh?

Big Girl Leah at the Dentist

Isaac the Spider and Daddy at the Church Halloween Party

Play Date with a Fellow New Citizen!

Proud of His Nationality!!!

Matching Outfits for the Birthday Party!!!

"Oh My Goodness. You Want Me to Eat THIS?"

Birthday Princess Ella

GRCM Night for Autism Awareness

Monday, November 8, 2010

Step by Step

Things are getting better! Little by little, step by step, minute by minute. As said, things can't be pulled from the air for anyone.

Ella has to learn to trust us. And it's starting. She likes to try to hide it yet...but there are now signs that she is trusting us (me) and that she is liking the fact that we are her parents. There are glimpses! That's a great thing!

On the other end of the attachment equation, I'm making great strides too. I'm reflecting personally. Another step in the right direction. But just the simple act of self-reflection has made me open my eyes that I'm taking everything so (too!) personally when the meltdowns occur...or when the whining begins as soon as we walk in the door. She's not trying to make me upset...that's not her goal! I recognize this now...thanks to my amazing chat with my amazing friend!

I've had a lot of people come to me and say, "wow!!!" Yeah, this isn't easy stuff! But for all of you families that are in the process...this is for you...or for you that are just home...maybe for you to know you aren't alone. I find that I have found healing for my family by "talking" about this. Friends, don't feel sorry for us...we're making our way to each other faster through this process than I ever expected. We're okay...Amen!

My next post will be on a much more upbeat update on all the kids! We had a big weekend this past weekend...get ready for some pics and posts!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thank You

Thank you to the woman that I had an AMAZING conversation with today.

Thank you for making me feel human again. Thank you for making me feel like I am not a monster. Thank you for letting me know that I am not alone in the feelings I have or don't have or that I am not alone in the situation that we are currently in as a family. Thank you for being so open with me about your thoughts, feelings and attitudes about parenting. Thank you for admitting that your love was not always easy or natural.

I know I can make all of our lives better...a conversation, at a very random location, made a difference for me today. Baby steps all in the right direction.

*This is like therapy...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

And now...Me

I've debated whether or not to post our final family member (excluding the dogs - that would be a short, yet interesting post)...ME! But, throughout all of these posts I have not only wrote them with family and friends in mind but also other families choosing adoption, or considering adoption. I have had a lot of mixed emotions since coming home. Thus, my hesitancy to post. Do I share these conflicting feelings and emotions with the people who think I'm a "rock" and so strong throughout all of this? Or do I shed my outer layer and prove to all of you that this process has been a challenge...a rewarding, magnificent, God-led challenge. Yes, this is what I have chosen to do. I am choosing to bare it all for the betterment of my parenting and the support of other parents who chose adoption.

Coming Home
The flights home were nothing less than hell on Earth. We added it up and we remained awake for 72 hours straight. We compared "states" and both Josh and I were having little warped hallucinations where the floor was morphing like the end of a Scooby-Doo show. I guess that's how the body reacts to pure exhaustion. I wouldn't know...never experienced that until then!

But I will have to say that the arrival into the Lansing Airport with so many of our family and friends waiting to greet the 4 Knights was heart-palpitating. I was so excited for my parents to meet the kids as well as for Leah and Logan to see them. Not to mention just SEE Leah and Logan! I was so homesick for those two on this trip, it was hard to get over!

Walking into our home as a family of 6 was...nothing special. We were just too tired. Haha! Logan needed to show Ella everything ASAP. This, my fellow adoptive families, is something that I wish I could have known before and stopped. When adopting an 'older child'...3 is older...boundaries, physical and emotional, are non-existent. Ella did NOT need full access to our 3700 sq. foot house. She could have used 1/4 of that. What she got was an overwhelming abundance of good ole American excess. She needed physical boundaries, to learn the word no in a contained manner, to have a small space somewhat similar to what she was used to in Ethiopia. Mistake #1...Lesson #1.

Staying at Home
So I was convinced, prior to the kids coming home, as well as about 4 weeks after they came home, that I wanted to stay home to raise the kids. "Day care can't do what I do!" Buwhahahah! Well, then Ella learned my code name, "Mama!" I have never heard one word so damn much in one time period...EVER! I mean, talk about repetition! It was like a word cycling in a blender! She was killing me! Not to mention that Leah and Logan wanted their fair shake and Isaac wouldn't be set down from the shoulder-holding position. If you wonder, showers were occasional and often after 5:00 when Josh got home. I also went a bit berserk when I noticed that I had a new and curly haired shadow. It went to outside with me, the laundry area, to the kitchen for lunches, and even to the bathroom. You guessed it...ELLA! It was part of the attachment process for her, but I will be honest made me crazy! I would happily enjoy it for some time, but then felt it necessary she make an appropriate choice as I get some items done around the house. So, I redirect her...then, remember when I discussed the water/snot/saliva works in previous posts? Yep, you got it...she turned on the mucus factory when I tried to encourage her to PLAY! OYE VAY!
Nevertheless, I'm happily working full time as a special ed teacher and the kids are being nicely socialized at an in-home day care whom we love dearly! Mistake #2...Lesson #2.

Attachment - Straight Up
I love all of my kids: Leah, Logan Ella and Isaac. Heck I even love my dogs...the one that barks too! Leah and Logan were like my first-born. They are amazing girls and they have grown so much through THIS adoption process. It's so cool...Logan is now asking to go visit her birth mother in Guatemala and making new connections about her life story because of this. *Tear* Isaac is such a dolly! He is developing like a race car zooming down a track! He can walk now, talk some words, sign his needs and just flirts his evenings away!!! Now if we could just get that sleeping thing figured out! Ella is a beautiful and amazing daughter. I will have to admit to all of you, attachment has not come easy for her. She does not understand family. Because of this, attachment to her is slow. This is hard to say to all of you. I LOVE THIS LITTLE GIRL. But I find myself become easily frustrated by her behaviors. I question why I feel this way and why it can't be easier. I rationalize it all, I pray for a faster attachment in both directions, I just want to have the patience and pure unconditional attachment and bond that I feel to the other 3 kiddos. Again, this is a very hard thing to say, but it is very important that it is said in order for me to help other families as well as myself.
I know that we will attach as strong to each other as I am to the other kiddos. I just know that it hasn't happened yet. I work at it daily...hard!!! Adoption is not for the faint of heart...not just the coming home process...the rest of it too. This is NOT mistake's just a lesson in love!

This wraps up the family member updates. It took me some time, and it didn't seem to end on a very happy note, but in all reality it does. God has created our family...our beautiful family made up of browns, tans and whites! I love that we have this diverse and wonderfully unique family. Someone said that something isn't worth anything if you don't have to fight for it! We are working on making our family amazingly strong, full of love and passion, and most importantly HAPPY! I have always thought of myself as a really strong woman where not much gets in the way of what I want. Hey, I only want a healthy, happy and safe FAMILY!