Sunday, August 31, 2008

No-Labor Labor Day

Yes, that's right...we've done nothing that would be included in the "work" category this weekend. We've taken full advantage of the Holiday weekend and the fact that we stayed home from the lake. Since the weather has been absolutely wonderful...and simply hot at times...we decided to do all of the 'vacation' things here at and around home.

It all started on Friday evening on a bit of a sad note when we had to say goodbye to our summer 'sister' Cassondra. Cassondra, or Sarama as the girls pronounced it, stayed with us for the majority of the summer helping with the girls, loving the girls and becoming part of our family. We really felt that we gained another daughter this summer. Nevertheless, we'll be having weekends with Sarama/daughter rather often in the weeks and months to come. But Friday evening before the sad goodbye was fun as we took the crew to Bravo! and out to Scoops for ice cream. A great summer celebration!

Saturday then started off with a question mark...what to do? Then daddy said, "Girls, do you want to go to popcorn?" That means the movie theatre. So daddy and mommy endured the summer blockbuster "Space Monkies"...did I say blockbuster? Ha, sorry, I meant summer bust! But it really doesn't matter what we thought as the girls really had quite a 'fab' time...and the popcorn was a hit as well! Saturday afternoon was a great one for naps...for all three ladies of the house...can I say YES???!!!! And the remainder of the day was outdoor play and bubbles!

Sunday...another labor-free day! Morning was filled with play-time and then off to the MSU Children's Gardens for fishy, froggies, and flowers! It was once again a hot day! But it is a-okay with all of us...but darn those allergies!

We're planning on Monday being a 'home-day'. BBQ for just our family and playing outside and maybe a bit of geocaching.

We feel so blessed to have these times together. Life has been such a rush-rush, go-go, worry-worry! I think with all of the talking with people and "discussions" I've had with myself and the Big Guy upstairs, I'm recognizing the need to take more and more time like weekends like these. Time to lay down with Logan at her nap and talk with her when she wakes up, sit with Leah and play in her bean bucket to simply pour beans on my floor and laugh about it :) or to actually pet Riley for more than 5 seconds! Life means a lot...a lot...and I get it!!! AMEN!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

A 6 Hour Meeting

Yes, that's right. Josh and I sat through the longest, most difficult meeting we've ever had to. We were at Leah's IEP. For non-special education folks, that's an Individualized Educational Planning meeting. It's to plan her educational program, set goals and objectives for her school year to come...all as a TEAM! HMMMM, a team! Funny concept as we thought that we would have a role in this team and a say in our daughter's educational program. Nope! We heard a lot of "We hear the parents desires and preferences but what does the team decide?" Excuse me, Josh and I are a big part of this our concerns for our daughter, our preferences for her education, therapy and experiences not count? Clearly not as the "team's" decision was not agreeable to us!

It all comes down to what was explained to us as providing Leah the "Cadillac versus the Buick". (Can you say Cha-Ching $$$$$$?????) The school is required to provide the basic of all basics...well that's what they are willing to do. But I'll be damned (excuse the language for our younger readers) if we take steps backward from all of the time that Leah has put in to her therapies in the past 2+ years. All because of their stupid requirement to provide bare bones "appropriate" education. Josh and I are also contending that they are limiting Leah by not allowing her to go to preschool with Logan for a LRE (least restrictive environment) experience. Thus, having her with normal developing peers as much as appropriate. Can you say "Twin" as a very appropriate peer to be at school with and that being at school with Logan is vital to her social and communicative development. Funny, but their staff gave their opinions based on other kids and other situations...not research...not Leah. Strange, but I had research to back up our position and I have 2+ years with Leah, day in and day out, and they wouldn't even hear us!!!!

So from here out, what to do??? Mediation? Due Process? Something...but which one???? We are not accepting that they wouldn't hear us as parents, the only people in the room that knew Leah. We do not accept the fact that they will not place Leah with Logan for Preschool. Give us a can you deem this as not appropriate for Leah's development!?!?!?!

So sorry if this post was incoherent but this day has been one filled with tears, frustration with others, grieving once again, but rejoicing when we arrived home to see the girls in their princess dresses!!!! That's what this is all about!!! Fighting to make more and more princess dresses and froggies!!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Friends

The Knight Family had visitors this weekend...The Thornburgs! Jen and David are friends from "Indy" and we had a great time. Jen was my roommate at State and we've tried to keep in touch and I say we've done a pretty good job of it!

The girls made great friends with Aunt Jen and Uncle Dave...or "Sweetie" as Logan called him! Both girls established fun little relationships and had a playful time. Jen and David also brought them other new friends...Build-A-Bear's!!!! Logan has named her Bear "Sandy"...I think she's named it from the dog from Annie!!! And Leah hasn't assigned a name to her pink and white fluff-ball!

I wanted to share this with all of you because it's a great stride for Leah! She's made a 'connection' with 'strangers' in a short period of time. No, she didn't bond with Jen and David and didn't hold a conversation with them. But Leah certainly didn't hide in a fetal position like she used to and she didn't scream in fear of people being in her space. She was her normal, happy-go-lucky Leah with people in her home and she was able to hug them for 'thank yous' and give kisses and hugs bye-bye with prompting! These are huge strides for a child with Autism! HUGE! We are making progress! Leah is becoming more social with therapy and with the help of family and friends! Amen!
PS - Down at the bottom I've posted a new video titled RESPECT. It's actually a PSA but it really makes one think! Just an FYI!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Good Ole Summer Time Fun

That's what we've been up to lately...enjoying some good ole summer time fun! The new picture at top is of the girls "Feeding the Froggies" that live in the storm sewer! No, there are no frogs...No, we've never even seen a real frog! But thanks to Papa, we're convinced that froggies live in that %$^%##%$ drain!!! Nevertheless, instead of throwing a continuous stream of bark, stones, flowers and grass down the drain to "feed the froggies", we've devised our very own "FROGGIE FOOD"...yes, available for purchase in your very own cereal aisle...rice crispies! We market it with a slogan of..."Feed the frogs while you feed your kids!"

We've also enjoyed fresh market foods this summer! Leah is in love with corn on the cob! She is simply adorable when she eats adorable...see for yourself! I recorded her last night while chomping on an ear. If you've got speakers and you hear some noise in the background...that would be Miss Logan! She was on fire! If you ever wonder why I can't seem to get a video of her...because she's so vain that she always wants to see herself on the screen and I can't tape her and let her watch herself at the same time...go figure. Hollywood must be calling!

Lastly, another summer time favorite has proven to be Popsicles! Yumm-O!

Monday, August 4, 2008

This and That

I have a couple of updates for know...this and that!

Riley...the wonder dog...has been officially titled! He is a titled Service Dog! He passed his test and all of his skills! Yeah! Everything went as smooth as silk. All in all, the process for accessing GLAD, acquiring Riley, training him and to titling him took 10 months. That was pretty great, in my eyes!!! He is now continuing to work on the Autism Assistance tasks with Leah (there was a picture in the last post of them tethered on a family walk). He will be heading to preschool and daycare Monday through Friday starting in September...with Leah!!! :)

Also...if you want something takes a mom on a mission and lots of networking! I got our insurance company to pay for Leah's UMACC evaluation! HA! I was in the process of preparing, what was at that point, a 7 page formal grievance letter, putting together a packet of documentation from PhD's supporting our position and then our Dr. from UMACC called the Medical Director at our insurance company! "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Knight. The medical director has decided to reverse his decision. We will be providing coverage for Leah's evaluation." Oh, gee, thanks!!! That was enough to celebrate!

I think that is all for updates...ummmm...for now! Enjoy August! Ugh, it's August already! So be it! Enjoy it!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Getting Closer

Our vacation at the lake is done but it provided us with so much. Number provided us with the opportunity to "Get Closer"! What? We really bonded that week! It was a great week for just the four of us...excuse me...the five of be together, laugh, love, and BE! Not to mention, it was a great time to get closer to God. I've never been the 'churchy' type. Yeah, I grew up going to church and to Sunday School and I believe that my life is guided whole-heartedly by Him. But, with all that has happened in our family and the rush-rush of therapy and appointments, it was so nice to have time to reflect and know that this is my life and pray on that! that helps make things better! Might I recommend it!!! :)

I just want to share a bunch of pictures with you from our wonderful family vacation this year...enjoy!