Monday, June 23, 2008

Feliz Cumpleaños, L & L

It was a glorious weekend filled with birthday celebrations!!! Yes, Leah and Logan are 3!!! It's certainly hard to believe, I know! But they have grown up so much in a years' time.

The weekends' celebrations started out with a surprise visit to Jumpin' Jax Bounce Arena in Lansing. It's a place with huge inflatables where little (and big) people can jump and bounce and slide until their hearts are content and their bodies can take no more! We found that to be almost 2 hours later!!! UGH! We jumped and and jumped and jumped! That's a literal "WE"!!! Parents are encouraged to bounce with their children! Can you say, "Cardio"?

Later that evening we dined on the girls' favorite...chips and beans...and suckers and York patties (thanks Papa!) And they were served free ice cream and sung Feliz Cumpleaños. Then back to the house for! As they began to dive in, they decided that the one that they opened was good enough for them! No more! Happy with this! Thanks, but no thanks! Okay! So as they played with their pretend cash registers in their princess castle, the remaining presents lay wrapped until the next afternoon!

The following day proved to be a great day as well! We celebrated Father's Day with a big family BBQ and celebrated with girls' day together with cake and ice cream...with the remaining presents! The girls romped with cousins, Josey and Kenny, and strutted their stuff in front of the fam!

It was a blissful weekend celebrating the girls, fathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers and uncles! What's life about other than gathering together, celebrating life and cherishing those memories!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mema's Birthday!!!

It was a day to behold...cake with all the frosting two little girls could dig into, tissue paper to shred and throw about, a bag to tear was nothing other than Mema's birthday!!!
We've finally come to the point in life where the girls are "getting it". They get the idea of presents, celebrating and simply having a party! And that's what we did to celebrate Mema! Both girls couldn't wait to get a piece of their own cake so they could simply dig into it with their fingers and hands (into the Roma Bakery cake...for all of you locals)!!! They thought that was quite a treat and naturally Mema and Papa let them do whatever they wanted! Both girls then sat so nicely with Mema for cake and waited for presents!!! Then...RIP...TEAR...into the party bag for the goodies!
It was a great precursor to what's to come this Saturday! Logan says, "I 'phree'" (I will be three, that is!) We'll be sure to share so much more!!!