Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Life As We Know It...Part I

So here is my chance to give my opinion, viewpoint, perspective or rendition of how life is for each of us here in the Knight home now that we have 6 people, 2 dogs, 2 fish, and a partridge and a pear tree! NO, some of these thoughts and ideas are NOT theirs, they are mine! So, YES, I am projecting my feelings onto their situations. But, it's a mom's gut-intuition!

Oldest Sister: LEAH
The days and weeks when Ella and Isaac arrived home were very upsetting to Leah. It wasn't the crying or the mad or sad emotional state that one might expect. It was a different response. It was a response that we should have tried to predict, but didn't...couldn't. It was a response maybe typical from a child with a diagnosis of autism.
Leah removed herself from all things related to Ella and Isaac! She sat herself at her computer and clicked away, which we allowed because she needed to remove herself. She chose to go downstairs to swing and listen to music. Literally, she chose to be wherever Ella and Isaac were NOT. We didn't push Leah to be with her new siblings. This addition to our family is not only a change, to Leah it is considered a complete disruption to her routine, her home environment and her family dynamics. UNACCEPTABLE!
For those who know Leah you know that she scripts sometimes. You know, repeats parts of movies or TV shows. She says them in sometimes appropriate situations and sometimes not. Well, she chose to script about all of the witches, bad princesses, etc. about me! This stunk! I cried a good many evenings~a good many nights. I tried to hug her, hold her, provide that 'special attention' that I know she needed and maybe wanted. To no avail. My heart was breaking.
So, in my mind, I'm thinking...we've worked so hard for so many years to teach her, give her therapy, to get her to a point where she is comfortable in so many social situations. And now her own mommy brings these 2 "babies" home and ruins it all. Am I going to cause her to regress with her autistic tendencies? Am I going to ruin all of the work she has done and worked for? What have I done? Have I made a selfish decision and sacrificed Leah? My heart ached day after day and night after night.
Leah co-exists with Ella and Isaac. She doesn't embrace them like she does Logan, but Logan and her have a twin-bond! And E and I are still new! Just last night, I peeked into the play room and I saw Logan, Leah and Ella playing in a circle with some fun toys! It was a reassuring step in the right direction. Yeah, she still yells at Ella, "Hey, don't do that!" when Ella lunges for a hug and kiss goodnight! But, steps, right?

And did I ruin her progress? No, her home teacher still comes and she is still as bright as the day we left to get the kiddos in Ethiopia...if not more so! She is learning more everyday, spelling words, reading words, is a number guru and making social strides everyday. And to my happiness, I am no longer the witch of Snow White, and she even asks to hug me and cuddle me! This makes that broken, weeping heart I had a few weeks back swell with all of that Mommy love!!!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

And A Family of 6, We Are

Nearly three weeks after we arrived home to one of the most beautiful scenes ever witnessed at an airport, I am now able to sit down and make a full report of the Knight Family! Get ready...this could be intense! Somewhat like our lives right now!!! Teehee!!!

Ethiopia Gotcha Trip
Ethiopia was even more beautiful this time! The sun shone more and we were able to enjoy the bright greens, the beautiful flowers and the wonderful blue sky that the rainy season had blessed them with. Although the people of Ethiopia HATE the cold (60's) and the rain (MUD!!!), the beauty of their country just glares when the sun shines after a good portion of this season. We were blessed to see this and feel the happiness this brought us.

We arrived late Monday night, in the dark again, but it wasn't raining this time. All was well when we saw the friendly face of our driver from the Lodge! I LOVE that guy!
We were told to be prepared in the morning around 9:30 (that's 2:30 AM our time after a 17 hours in the air and more in airports!!!) so we could have the opportunity to meet the birth parents of both Ella and Isaac. We were THRILLED with this news. We knew it was a remote possibility before we traveled, but knowing that both children were born in very remote villages in the south of Ethiopia (near Kenya) we didn't set our hearts on the fact that they would make the trip. There are no roads and it is very rough terrain to get out of their villages, but they made the 6+ hour trip north to the big capital city of Addis Ababa simply to meet us for less than 2 hours. Because we will save the details for Ella and Isaac, as these are their private pieces of information, you simply can know that this was an AMAZING and emotional time for both the birth parents as well as Josh and I. Not to mention a few bits of humor and personality came out through the talks!!! Great memories! I was able to hug and embrace both of the birth parents and for this I thank God!

Later that afternoon, we were brought to Enat Alem. It was like we were home! We saw the gates of the orphanage and I couldn't get out of the van fast enough! I literally barged through the gate to look into the courtyard to see if Ella was dancing around. And what did I see...Miss Ella, all dressed in one of the dresses we had brought on the visit trip, her hair done so specifically, her shoes on and smiles all around!!!! But no Isaac!!! Where? What??? Sleeping! He had a severe virus and needed his rest. Not much longer into the good-bye coffee ceremony, out came an orange and white striped Isaac all groggy and sweet!!!!

Leaving the orphanage was very emotional. We are so sure that the children are loved and cared for. And this proves it!!!! We believe Ella has memories of vans of being taken to doctors, new orphanages, etc. And where were these new white people taking her? Into a van! So the nurse and caretakers embraced her fully, wrapped her in love and kissed her with so much love and placed her in Daddy's arms into the unknown. Tears were falling from every one's eyes, screams of fear came from Ella and my heart was breaking for Ella and Isaac as we were once again pulling them from the comfort of the known.

It wasn't too long back at Sadula that Ella cracked a smile at us. It was all good from there out...except when we had to get into the van again the next day:( Isaac on the other hand, he was in pure shut-down mode. We were very familiar with this possibility and ready. He slept on my shoulder and wanted nothing to do with Josh. (Broke Daddy's heart a bit, being the only BOY!!!) He needed one person (probably the one with boobs! like his caretakers) and one person only. So he slept on my shoulder and chest and had very little affect. Sad. It was days before he would do anything other than be on my body. A necessary part of transition for him. I didn't mind the little man on me!!! But I knew he was hurting.

The next day was gotcha day at the embassy! Signed, sealed and delivered! Visa's were granted the following day at 10:00 am! On this day we were also treated to an unbelievable traditional luncheon and coffee ceremony at our contact's home in Addis. It was such a blessing to experience the country in this manner...and on a National Fasting Day (a treat for a vegetarian!!!) You may notice my traditional clothing and head scarf I was donned with in the picture above. Another treat!
Saturday was the last day we spent in Ethiopia. We flew out at 11:35 pm. So we had much of the day to enjoy the kids, pack and...take care of Ella's hair!!! I asked Josh to take her down to the front desk to see if anyone within the hotel did braiding, as we really weren't supposed to leave the hotel with the kids. The lady at the front desk waved her finger back and forth in dismay and said, "No, no, no, you need salon!" Haha!!!! So, Daddy and Ella walked one block outside of the hotel gate and Ella got braids!!! She thought she was HOT STUFF!!!! Oh and you ask how much???? Converted=$4.00!!!!!

Flying home was a trip...not a trip like, "Hey let's take a trip!" No like, "Life's a trip!" Holy crap! Literally!!! Remember back up in this post I stated that Isaac had a severe virus so he needed his rest?! Well, this virus caused him to poop! And poop, and poop, and poop, and poop! I mean this wasn't just regular old baby poop. This was stinky, ranky, what kind of indigenous and rabid animal crawled up there, died, fermented and turned into runny juice, fell out of Isaac's bum, kind of poop! Yep, we went through 5 outfits on the flights home for him and I changed my clothes twice. And they say pack lightly for carry-ons! What a farce!

And Ella, she was a trip too! She had such an issue with the seat belts that the FAA thinks are soooooo important (teehee!!) that she cried, no...let's say screamed and the top of her lungs for 30 minutes about wearing the belt...until, when....YEP...she barfed! Yep, she barfed from crying so hard about a seat belt! We had to fight the battle! Thank you FAA and thank you seat belt laws! Sorry fellow passengers! Side note, she fell asleep just before landing. Icing on the cake. *nice*!

The arrival home at the airport was so amazing! We quickly changed the kids clothes into something less poopy and for Ella, a pretty dress instead of her comfy jammies. With the heavy load of carry-ons that we had (sorry Lufsthansa!) we trooped down to be met by what we expected to be a group of 10 or so! Exciting!!! My heart was beating for all of them to meet the kids and for me to see Leah and Logan (I missed them sooooo much more on this trip!!!). But when we rounded the corner, we saw at least 25-30 people waiting there with balloons, gifts, cameras, and beaming smiles and tears! It was an amazing 1 hour long welcome party!!!!! THANK YOU to all that came and welcomed our stinky selves home!!!!!
The next few posts, it is my hope, to address each of the family members. How the adjustment is going, pros and cons and ups and downs; new experiences for each of these people and what this household is REALLY like for each member of this family (from my perspective...this ought to be good)!!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Update - Post 4 Kids

Busy....very busy!

I will post more when I am more coherent with sleep and don't have Isaac poop dripping from every place!!! Serious!