Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Knight's Love SMB

Many of you don't know but I was almost a SMB member...for those of you who don't know "SMB"...that's insider talk for Spartan Marching Band! Yep, I tried out, made the band and they said, "Okay show up and you'll just do one more try out for a chair." But in between both try outs, the first of my many heart procedures took place and we all know that the first procedure didn't go as planned! So, I was a "no-show" to the chair try-outs for the SMB! Regrets? No, just a passion for the band to this day!

And then there's Josh who is a percussionist through-and-through! So much that I have to ask him to stop the toe-tapping or finger jiving at least a few times a week! That drum line gives us all goose bumps! We're both trying to convince Leah and Logan that playing drums is the only option in life, per music standards!

So we had no plans for our weekend and there was a home MSU game...for us that means CHEAP ENTERTAINMENT! We drive ourselves over to campus, pay an arm and a leg for parking, then go watch the band! This is the third season we've done it and the girls love it!!! Both seem to plug their ears at first, as that is always their first reaction to anything with sound, but after some time, we're all clapping and marching with the SMB! After we watch the warm up, we dash down the street to catch the March to the Stadium! The girls caught their first glimpse of Sparty today...or the first one that they seem to remember! We all joined in on the chanting of The Series as they grimaced in straight rank and file right in front of our eyes!

After the band entered the stadium, we went to the children's area and found the ever-loved inflatables! Oh yeah...if we would have found those first the girls would have never allowed us to walk the campus and hang out listening to the band play scales and warm-up!
It was a great day to see the on any given home football day, we'll be cheering GO GREEN, but it's not necessarily for the helmeted and padded boys on the's for those highly skilled musicians who brought our family so much enjoyment today!