Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Now's the time to FINALLY write a post. Now's the time to sit and reflect on…ummm…how many months has it been? REALLY??? AAAH!

I've basically felt like this next post has been hanging over my head for as long as I haven't written. But who REALLY has the time to spend on a blog post? Well, me…FINALLY, REALLY!

We are beating to a different drummer these days. One beat to the twins' agenda, one beat to Ella's agenda, another to Isaac's…but we just can't seem to get those beats into any kind of rhythm. But we just keep on marching, so…FINALLY…updates:

Leah is doing amazing! She continues to have daily ABA/VB therapy but with a new teacher. Miss Morgan is her name…and she's great! Leah looks forward to her daily sessions and is making awesome progress. Leah and I have recently had our first back and forth conversation together. Upon reflection, I can't really believe that it's been nearly 6 years of always talking towards or at Leah…but it's awe inspiring that I REALLY did have that conversation! Leah finished up preschool and has graduated to kindergarten. The excitement sometimes overwhelms her and she just can't control herself at this fact! Leah is also involved in youth soccer and enjoyed the preferred hip-hop class! She's ready for the real world!

Logan is also doing amazing things. We like to call her the "alpha" in this family as she is a little-mommy, a little boss, and the ring master of the kid-circus. The girl talks like she's 16 but still aches for that cuddle time! Oh---the in-between!!!! Logan has also graduated preschool and will move on to "high school"…in her words and mind! Guess she's got this whole school thing figured out more than all of us!!!! She's also been a great soccer player….very aggressive on the field, and a very smooth hip-hopper! She's got some Latina flair, that's for sure!

Little Miss Ella has also graduated her first round of preschool. She will return to preschool in the fall for some much needed Americanized education and socialization. Teachers told us at conferences she was the mild, meek and silent girl in class. REALLY? My jaw nearly dropped to the floor when these statements came out of the teacher's mouth. She IS NOT any of those…REALLY! Ella is playing youth soccer too. They call her "the little scrapper"! She's not afraid to get in there and just kick….kick the ball, kick the air, kick others. Whatever it takes to get that ball down the field! Ella has nearly mastered English…what an amazing process to witness and be a part of. Frustrating at times, but WOW! She is receiving speech therapy as she has quite the accent from her first languages. She is also getting glasses. Yep, they're gonna be pink…like her wardrobe!

Isaac is all-boy!!! Oh boy is he all boy! Bumps, bruises, bloody lipS! He's all about being outside and with his older sisters…at all times! He's mastered the slide and swinging on his tummy! He's also daddy's sidekick on the John Deere lawn tractor. Josh doesn't drive that silly thing without Isaac on his knee. I'm sure Josh is tickled…having his little man LOVE the tractor. I can imagine Josh talking to Isaac while on the mower saying, "Now see Isaac, straight diagonals are the most important while mowing!" Isaac is now talking in phrases, running like a chicken with his head cut off, starting to be quite agile on stairs, all while maintaining a detestable temper! OYE VAY…the boy has an attitude! Thank goodness he's cute with deep dimples!

Josh and I are learning a new norm for the household. It's still an act of survival and a feeling of nearly drowning each day! Every once in a while, we act like we got these parenting and attachment things licked…other times not so much. The kids remain to try to adjust to family life with more siblings than ever before as well as to family in general. We try to parent 4 very different children with some fairness and equality as well as adjust to the hectic schedule of working, soccer, hip hop, therapy and the most necessary-family time.

So, FINALLY an update. I hope to be able to update and post more as summer approaches and I get a break from teaching! Stay tuned for more adventures. I promise, REALLY!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Glad to hear that everything is going great! Wish we could spend some time together, but with Leah, Logan, Ella, and Issac it's probably going to take a while. But when we can see each other again it will be great to see you and everyone again! Love you all!