Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Yep…we're moving in A direction. One moment I believe that we making strides in the direction toward healing and bonding and attachment. Other moments, albeit fewer and farther between, the side steps and the backward walking is a necessary process of this journey. This is all understood that being at home with Ella during this very difficult time for all of us is not only very important but yep…you got it…very taxing on this momma! Ya love her, ya &*%&^% her! Then you love her again and pray that you end on a good note for the evening!!!! Over all, in the few weeks that therapy has been in session…we have had some amazing conversations with Ella and some really poignant topics have come up and out. I'm thrilled to have her be able to share this with me..her MOMMY!

Life continues to move on for all of the others in addition to Ella as well. Isaac is the spawn of a monster. He's approaching 2 years old and he could be the Devil in disguise. He is a wuss for all thinks that go "BUMP" and is the instigator for all of the other things. He's cute but that's all. What a set of lungs and an attitude on that child…..oye!!!!

Leah and Logan….fun, fun, fun! Leah has 2 new therapists here in the home who are amazing and are pushing her little buns right through to amazing heights. I never knew, or even imagined that I would be spending my teacher salary to pay teachers for my kids…but what an important investment!

Logan is Queen Sassy. She thinks she knows it all, can do it all and WILL do it all. Just because I am who I am, I will let her try and then I will be there to wipe her tears and then show her how it's done!!!! That's my sass coming out!!! She's a lot of fun right now….just a growing up toooooooo fast!

We are just coming home from a trip from the Cottage at Higgins and rushing to prepare for a SURPRISE trip to Disney. None of the kids know…SSSSSHHHHHHH…they will be told on Saturday with a treasure hunt that will be recorded. Then we will all fly out of Flint on Sunday at 7. So, adios MI…hope to NOT see you again!

Josh and I are hanging in. Josh is busy…at work right now (10 at night) trying to catch up on items before vacation!!! I am in bed, where I've been a lot. My heart is a mess and I'm trying to barrel through…just if you don't know…HEART MEDICATION STINKS IN EVERY WAY SHAPE AND FORM!

We will try to update, at least on Facebook, some pics and I can add some here!

Love to all-

1 comment:

Kara said...

Thanks for your openness and honesty about attachment and bonding. I hope summer and your therapy lead you toward healing and becoming the family you wish to be.

Have fun in Disney! We just got back and it was fabulous! You are going to have a super time. Enjoy!